Soft Toys
Smudge Rabbit bag Charm
Smudge Rabbit Tote Bag
Smudge the Littlest Elephant Book
Snippy Crab - Palm Pals (5 Inches)
Snoopy (Soft Cuddly Friends) - Steiff
Snow Dragon
£28.00 to £110.00
Snowy Polar Bear - Palm Pals (5 Inches)
Snuffy Dog (Soft Cuddly Friends) - Steiff
Spots Ladybird - Palm Pals (5 Inches)
Spott Stegosaurus Dino (Soft Cuddly Friends) - Steiff
Stanley Stick insect
Steiff Manschli Panda
Steiff Soft and Cuddly Friends Bronko brontosaurus
Stellan Sabre Tooth Tiger
Stomps Elephant - Palm Pals (5 Inches)
Sullivan the Sperm Whale
Summer Cloud - Palm Pals (5 Inches)
Sunset - Charlie Bears
Sweater Sausage Dog Pink
Sweater Sausage Dog Yellow
Tardy - Bearhouse Bears
Teddy and Me Teddy bear boyl with Pyjama's - Steiff
Teddy and Me Teddy bear girl with Pyjama's - Steiff
Terra Potted Plant - Palm Pals (5 Inches)